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Your Monthly Horoscope March 12, 2016–April 18, 2016 By Kim Lovelace
RaStar 13 Star Sign Astrology
PISCES (born between: 12 March – 18 April)
The Sun is now in your sign Pisces and your energy is phenomenal! As a matter of fact there seems to be no stopping you, just be careful you don’t explode with all the solar activity going on in your sign, especially in the latter part of the month. Your stamina and optimism is vast and your power of intellect is high, but it is important that you do everything you can to ground yourself and avoid over doing things.
Read more: Your Monthly Horoscope March 12, 2016–April 18, 2016 By Kim Lovelace
Why do we need to follow 13 Zodiac Astrology?
Because the sky has changed since the epoch that Tropical Astrology was founded (about 2000 years ago). Now we need a new Astrological theory, that in co-operation with Astronomy will explain in a scientific way how this discipline will work in the future. It will explain as well the meanings of the the New 13 Zodiac Signs. This New theory is 13 Zodiac Astrology. It is founded in the book “"Astrology of the 13 Signs of the Zodiac" by Vasilis Kanatas” . Now, everyone can implement 13 Zodiac Astrology, building Birth Horoscopes, by following the instructions of the New Theory (see 13 Zodiac Astrology Software). 13 Zodiac Astrology Web-Seminars will start in a few months for the people that demand a deeper knowledge on the subjuct.
Our true Zodiac Signs have changed because of the precession of the equinoxes, that is, the movement of the point of intersection of the celestial equator by the ecliptic by 50.2” (seconds of a degree) each year.
Thus the orbit of the Sun in the sky, as seen from the Earth, has changed. Now the Sun passes through 13 Zodiac Signs: Pisces – Aries – Taurus – Gemini – Cancer – Leo – Virgo – Libra – Scorpio – Ophiuchus – Sagittarius – Capricorn – Aquarius.
The old 12 Signs system does not work anymore. It has become a Monolithic religion. Tropical Astrologers follow the steps of Ptolemy and other Ancient Astrologers. But the worst for them is that they still see the sky as it was 2000 years ago. They tell you what your sign was 2000 years ago! They have their own Almancs to turn the sky back in 100 A.C.!!
With the new theory, in a few cases, about 10% of the total population has retained their old Tropical Sign. But the massive majority of 90% has changed. This is a scientific fact. Click HERE to find your true Zodiac Sign.
Read your weekly 13 Zodiac Horoscope HERE.
Vasilis Kanatas
Full Moon in Leo, Sekhmet the Lion Goddess
Happy Full Moon!
This Full Moon is happening in the constellation of Leo. Check your sky map apps! Leo Full Moons are some of the most royal of them all! In ancient Egypt, it is Sekhmet, the Lioness that is the keeper of the flame! Sekhmet is the goddess of war and healing. Her name comes from the ancient Egyptian word Sekhem, which means power. She was widely known as “The One Who is Powerful” and “The One Before Whom Evil Trembles” Sekhmet is depicted as a fierce warrior goddess with the head of a lion wearing all red
Astronomy for Astrologers in November sky
Many have tried to explain the motion of the celestial dome to people who have small background in astronomy, and most often the student stays the same ignorant as before!
So let us begin from the beginning! As the Earth is spherical, the same is valid for the sky around the Earth, and this is a matter of perspective!
Let us take as an assumption to make things easier. Let's say that the Earth is not spinning around itself within 24 hours, but remains stationary with the Sun over our heads! Let's say it does only make the annual motion around the Sun in 365 days. What we see then is that the Sun is moving slowly, at a rate of 1 degree per day to the East !!
So if we are in N. Hemisphere and look to the south the Sun moves slowly to the left!
Yes, the zodiac Signs are 13. Ophiuchus in the 13th Sign of the Zodiac.
As we have said many times with arguments based on the science of astronomy, the zodiac Signs are now 13 after the insertion of Ophiuchus between Scorpio and Sagittarius, on the ecliptic. Where ecliptic is called the apparent path of the Sun in the sky.
The ancient Greeks who founded Horoscopic Astrology had much less knowledge of the sky and the planets than we have today. For example, in the time of Claudius Ptolemy they believed that the Sun was turning around the Earth. 12 Zodiac Astrology was born in the Hellenistic era and was a child of Astronomy of the 2nd century BC
Today we know from Astronomy that ..
Read more: Yes, the zodiac Signs are 13. Ophiuchus in the 13th Sign of the Zodiac.
Transition hours of the Sun into the Zodiac Signs for 2015-16
The transition times of the Sun in the Zodiac Constellations for next year are:
Pisces March 12, 2015 at 18:50 UTC - April 19, 2015 at 06:50 UTC
Aries April 19, 2015 at 06:50 UTC - 14 May 2015 at 18:10 UTC
Taurus May 14 2015 at 18:10 UTC - 22 June 2015 at 1:40 UTC
Gemini June 22, 2015 at 1:40 UTC - 21 July 2015 at 06:30 UTC
Cancer July 21, 2015 at 06:30 UTC - 11 August 2015 at 05:40 UTC
Leo August 11, 2015 at 05:40 UTC - 17 September 2015 at 06:40 UTC
Virgo September 17, 2015 at 06:40 UTC - 31 Octomber 2015 at 19:00 UTC
Libra October 31, 2015 at 19:00 UTC - 23 November 2015 at 21:50 UTC
Scorpio November 23, 2015 at 21:50 UTC - 30 November 2015 at 10:00 UTC
Ophiuchus November 30, 2015 at 10:00 UTC - 18 December 2015 at 17:20 UTC
Sagittarius December 18, 2015 at 17:20 UTC - 20 January 2016 at 12:40 UTC
Capricorn January 20, 2016 at 12:40 UTC - 16 February 2016 at 23:10 UTC
Aquarius February 16, 2016 at 23:10 UTC - 12 March 2016 at 00:50 UTC
Converting Pain into Force and Force to Knowledge
(Article by Anna Dimou, Psychologist)
By looking at the archetypes of a myth, one may be able to interpret aspects of the world that surrounds us. Mythology is a useful tool we can employ to identify features and aspects of the human soul.
In Greek mythology, Chiron was the wisest of the Centaurs (creations that were half Men and half horses) and could be considered as the 'wounded healer'. His pupil, Achilles, during a battle...
, accidentally hit him with an arrow that was soaked in the blood of the Hydra. Chiron being immortal lived on wounded by with pain. In an effort to find his own cure, he learned to help and ease the suffering of others. This discovery, ie the teaching of others how to treat themselves, was a mean to relieve his eternal pain.
Everyone of us at some point of our lives will inevitably pass by tests. We may experience physical pain, illness, mental confusion, trauma or even perhaps confronted with existential angst. All these difficulties are likely to teach us to sympathize in sorrow and pain of our fellow men.
Carl Jung believed that the disease of the soul could be the best form of training for a therapist. The pains and difficulties one carries and finally overcomes, are the source of a greater wisdom and healing power.
The 'Wounded Healer' understands how the patient feels because he has gone through the same pain. Furthermore, the healer through his experience is capable to feel, by placing himself in place of the other and not only just to be compassionate. The patient from the other side, perceives this action even on a subconscious level. Because of this experience the substance of the relationship is transformed. From 'expert', the therapist becomes the companion* with his patient, thus opening a spiritual path that connects them.
Finally, the patient suffering and cared by the therapist simultaneously contributes to the healing of the healer. The interaction can play a key role in the treatment of both.
In conclusion, the myth of Chiron teaches us that we are able to overcome the pain by converting it to power and knowledge. Through such an experience everyone can become a 'Wounded Healer'.
"Man needs difficulties. They are vital for his health." Carl Jung (1875-1961, Swiss psychologist)
* A term used to Irvin Yalom's patients.
Anna Dimou, Consultant - Psychologist (www.annadimou.com)
The Sun transits to Ophiuchus on November 30
Image by Star Walk App
As it happens every year, the Sun moves from Scorpio into Ophiuchus at the end of November. This year the transition will take place on November 30 at 10:00 GMT. The Sun will remain in this zodiac Sign for about 18 days, until December 18 at 17:20 GMT. The passage of the Sun from Ophiuchus has caused major changes in the system of Astrology as now the Zodiac Signs are 13.
The Sun transited into Sagittarius on December 18
Image by Star Walk App
Since December 18 at 17:20 in the afternoon, the Sun is in Sagittarius leaving behind Ophiuchus and a climate of confidence and optimism. The Sun will remain in the Constellation until January 20, 2016, 12:40 GMT. Then he passes in Capricorn.
Read more: The Sun transited into Sagittarius on December 18
New Moon in Capricorn 8th February 2016
RaStar 13 Star Sign Astrology
Kim Lovelace
(Using the Constellation of Ophiuchus)
The New Moon begins in Capricorn on the 8th February at 14:40 pm and in the 9th house - London.
The Moon in Capricorn is a highly ambitious and hardworking Moon with a cautious and reserved nature; this is a serious Moon who identifies with the material, rather than spiritual values. Although this Moon holds great wisdom, she can also come across as quite selfish and calculating, as the concentrated effort tends to be focused on benefitting the home and family rather than the organization or circle involved. This Moon is capable of achieving a great deal of success and status through hard work and shrewd assessment.
New Moon in Capricorn..The Year of the Fire Monkey
Happy New Moon!
New Moons are also known as Black Moons or the Dark Moon phase. Every month, the Sun and Moon are in the same space conjunct. Therefore, no light is reflected until they start to move away from each other, and the crescent begins to grow. The Sun and the Moon will both be in the constellation of Capricorn for this New Moon. Check your Google sky map apps.
I know all the mainstream astrology articles are saying Aquarius, but western mainstream astrology is not factual. It is not star based and does not reflect real star placements. Sidereal and 13 sign astrology have been my specialty for years and I am forever changed by knowing these distinctions.
Enough about western, this sidereal Capricorn new moon cycle will whip us all into shape if we obey our Ancestors. Capricorn represents our karmic lineages and the determination to rise above them. Hard work and preparation is Capricorn’s objective. Life is preparing us through major karmic cleansing right now! Historical events and important markers in periods of time will be completing themselves through this transit.
Read more: New Moon in Capricorn..The Year of the Fire Monkey
Solar Eclipse of March 20, 2015 in N. Atlantic
The fascination that solar eclipses cause on humans is eternal.
In ancient Greece eclipses were considered unfortunate and could even cause the interruption of a battle. This happened in 585 BC when Thales of Miletus was the first to predict a solar eclipse, as recorded by Herodotus. The eclipse was the reason for the cessation of hostilities between the armies of Medeans and Lideans.
Today we do not accept the unfortunate nature of eclipses and we tend to accept them as Astronomical events beyond our powers.
In the astrological level eclipses occur on the nodes of the Moon and involve large inflow or outflow of energy to or from the subconscious. It is obvious that we, as human beings, can do nothing to control these flows that disrupt our lives over time, and not instantaneous.
The Sun transits to Capricorn on January 20, 2016
Sun in Capricorn. Image by Star Walk App
After a journey that lasted about 31 days the Sun transits to Capricorn on Wednesday, January 20, 2016 at 12:40 UTC. After traveling in the constellation for about 27 days, on February 16 at 23:10 UTC the Sun will enter to Aquarius.
These days you will be strongly affected by the idealistic and eccentric nature of Capricorn sign by often changing mood and showing an unusual dedication to your goals. The organizational skills will give its place to the unexpected. Cold blood in front of unpredictable situations will guide you this time of the year. Mercury retrograde ends on January 25 and the planet will return in Capricorn on February 13 giving a touch of mental alertness ..
Read more: The Sun transits to Capricorn on January 20, 2016
Ophiuchus the new Zodiac Sign
Ophiucus lies between the constellations of Hercules and Scorpio, and the head of Serpens as far as its tale. Its southern part lies within the galactic plane.
According to mythology, Ophiucus is identified with Asclepius, the renowned physician of antiquity. The close association between Asclepius and the snake is due to the fact that snakes represented wisdom, rejuvenation, and the power of the discovery of new healing herbs.
Asclepius was educated and received instruction from his father Apollo and the centaur Chiron; he was the first doctor and served in the Argonaut campaign in this capacity. When he returned from the journey he was even considered capable of raising the dead.
The Sun transits to Aquarius on February 16
Tonight, 16 February 2016, takes place the transit of the Sun in Aquarius where it will remain for about 24 days. Then it passes in Pisces on March 12, 2016 at 00:50. As we have explained here in this web site the dates that the Sun transits to the Zodiac Signs have changed and a 13th sign has been inserted in the Sun's path in the Sky: Ophiuchus. The Zodiac sign of the 90% of the world's population has changed, which becomes gradually known and widly accepted by more people.
On the other side many people associate the sign change with character change which is totally wrong. People do not change. Only the way astrology is practiced and continiusly evolving changes after it approximates more closely to the scientific data.
Full Moon in Leo 22nd February 2016
RaStar 13 Star Sign Astrology
By Kim Lovelace
(Using the Constellation of Ophiuchus)
The Full Moon begins reaches its peak, on the 22nd February 2016 at 18:20 pm and in the 12th house - London.
The Full Moon in Leo this month brings in a strong dominating energy that wants to be noticed and adored. This gracious and arrogant Moon is very optimistic, especially when it comes to love and romance. Partying, creativity and youth will be the highlights of this Full Moon.